Sexual intercourse is one of the things that humans use to give themselves pleasure. Thus, any person who expresses sexual desire asks his partner to satisfy it. However, it is often found that the man enjoys every time he has sex while the woman does not. This causes frustration in the relationship. This article offers you tips on how to make a woman reach orgasm.
A successful sexual intercourse implies the realization of the caresses according to the rules of art. Indeed, the role of caresses is to stimulate and awaken the sexual desire in the woman's body. It predisposes the woman's body to penetration and guarantees her an orgasm. To do this, the man must take care to kiss his wife by sucking her lips during foreplay.
In fact, the lips are organs that communicate strong vibrations and stimulations in the woman's body if the man kisses her. The man must suck well the lips and the tongue of the woman to give her pleasure. Apart from that, the man must caress the woman's breasts well while sucking correctly the nipples. Indeed, the nipples are sensory receptors of the woman which are very sensitive to touch. By touching and sucking them, some women automatically start to get wet.
The buttocks should be considered when performing foreplay. You must press them but, with tenderness. Similarly, the woman's clitoris must be stimulated. In fact, the clitoris is the main erectile organ on the woman's body and it is the one that best expresses arousal in a woman. To do this, you need to caress it well. Whenever possible, you can perform cunnilingus on your wife if she is a clitoralist.
Doing the penetration
Penetration itself is a crucial step in the process of obtaining pleasure during sexual intercourse. In order to achieve this step, the man gently introduces his penis into the woman's vagina. Then, you must start by going back and forth very slowly. As soon as your wife starts moaning, you can accelerate the strokes. Also, you have to be careful to know if your wife wants you to be faster or slower. Also, you must vary the sexual positions during penetration in order to guarantee the woman an orgasm.
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